President's Message

When I first mooted the idea of “Global Punjabi Association”, many felt that I had bitten of more than I could chew. However, the growth and spread of this organization in a very short span of time is testimony both to my vision and the unrelenting efforts put in making this vision come true.

It is this community with its great religion. historic past and tradition that we have all decided to bring together as the Global Punjabi Association to keep alive and renew our keep alive our social and cultural traditions…..and above all to give the members of our global community a Great Purpose..and that Purpose is what our Gurus have taught us all along…..that is TO GIVE TO THE LESS FORTUNATE AMONG OUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS…..TO HELP THEM TO HELP THEMSELVES… help people rise from poverty….to help educate them provide treatment to the sick and above all to do all this with the spirit of tolerance and compassion so that we bring together all communities of this great country…..INDIA